Who We Are asdfads

Mohan Associates is a leading law firm in India, specialising in Intellectual Property Rights.  We advise and litigate on several ground breaking issues in intellectual property law to a varied client list, ranging from leading Indian industry majors, governmental organisations, academic institutions to several multi-national companies.

Key Partners Key People
The founder of the firm, Mr.A.A.Mohan is one of the pioneers in the field of intellectual property law in India and recognised as a foremost practitioner in the field.
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With a combined experience of over 75 years at the Bar, our legal team features some the most experienced and successful practitioners in the field of Intellectual Property Law. [Read more]

Our Team Client Speak
Variedly talented personnel, ranging from lawyers, engineers to para-legal staff support us in our commitment to excellence.[Read more]

We believe in adding a personal touch to all business we do. Our valued clients recognise and appreciate the groundbreaking innovation and support offered by us in our endeavour for their success. [Read more]

Our Journey Download Brochure
Breaking new ground in offering specialised intellectual property legal services in India, we have always stood by our commitment to excel and innovate. [Read more]