Legal and Regulatory Information

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Publications available on this site provide general information only. They do not constitute legal advice or seek to be an exhaustive statement of the law. You should take legal advice on any particular matter which concerns you. If you do require advice, please get in touch with your usual contact at Mohan Associates.

Mohan Associates

Mohan Associates is constituted under the laws of India and Regulated by the Bar Council Association, Chennai. All the Attorneys in Mohan Associates are Qualified Lawyers.

Governing Law

This legal notice and all issues regarding this website are governed by Indian Law.

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At all times, we aim to provide our clients with a professional service of the highest calibre.

Should any problem arise, our approach is to be constructive: we will take every complaint seriously, we will investigate it promptly and thoroughly and will take remedial action as appropriate.

We would expect to resolve any problem to your satisfaction. If we do not, you can contact the Legal Complaints Service (or “LCS”) who may be able to help you to resolve your complaint. There are time limits for referring a complaint to the LCS. If you wanted to do so, you would have to contact the LCS within six months of our final response to your complaint.